Turning Point in Public Health Services

Traditionally, trauma resolution services have been configured in ways that are largely ineffective with recovery and healing a rarity.  We’re asking the NHS to better involve trauma patients by giving them the power to manage their own conditions and symptoms, and make informed decisions about their care and treatment.

New Paths to Healing

There have been significant advances in the treatment of traumatic disorders in the last two decades. Further improvements will only occur, however, through recognition of the diversity of symptoms in trauma populations and the development of treatments that promote the tailoring of services according to patient needs.  We’re calling for improved assessment and diagnosis methodology and further research and investment into treatments that specifically relate to dramatic disorders.

Healing Partnerships for Change

We aim to provide peer- delivered trauma awareness consultation, assistance, and training to a wide range of organisations to improve the way mental health and public health services are commissioned, organised, delivered, and managed through trauma-aware change.